miranda wrote: |
Hah, hah, there she is, my
room mate. See if I can give her a good scare! |
2 |
Slowly now...I don't want her to hear me... |
3 |
4 |
Hm...her bottom is cuter than mine... |
5 |
Bu! Oops, she doesn't look scared at all.
She is furiuos! |
6 |
She hasn't discovered that I borrowed and got her silk blouse
all stained last week has she...? |
7 |
I guess she has! Oh no! |
8 |
Over her knee?!? I'm in big trouble now! |
9 |
Oh, she really is angry... maybe if I
apologise...? |
10 |
Apology not accepted...I don't want her to be mad at me.
Guess I better do what she says... |
11 |
My skirt? No! Not on the bare... |
12 |
On the bare it is...hope this pleases her... |
13 |
Ok, here we go... |
14 |
I know this will hurt... |
15 |
Owwwiiieeeee! It stings! It burns! |
16 |
Ouch! I'll never borrow her clothes again! |
17 |
What is she saying now? |
18 |
Why is she looking at that chair? |
19 |
Oh, no, this is not good! |
20 |
She's not going to spank mer again for scaring her is she?
21 |
She is indeed! And in front of the mirror
too! |
22 |
I feel so guilty. I can hardly look at myself in that mirror!
23 |
With a ruler?!? But my bottom still stings
from the handspanking! |
So we won't discuss that then... |
25 |
Oh, please stop scolding me... I feel
really bad! |
26 |
Over her knee again... |
27 |
Hope this will be over soon. |
28 |
Plllllleeeeeaaaaaasseee! I'll be good! It huuuurrrttttssss!
29 |
I look really silly like this! I feel
so ashamed! |
30 |
Ouuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccchhhhhhhh! |
*sob* |
32 |
Don't be mad at me anymore...I'm so so sorry... |
33 |
Yes, I know I'll get the ruler again if
I don't behave... |
34 |
This never ends! She wants me to stand here with my bottom
bare and think about what I've done! |
35 |
But at least she forgives me so I suppose
it's worth it. |
36 |
Look at my face! I'm a mess! |
And my bottom! It's so red! |
38 |
But at least I can look at myself in the mirror again! |